Web Hosting

The best web hosting for your business

Web hosting is what delivers your website to people viewing on the way. There are a million different options when it comes to hosting, but it’s crucial to make a good choice since your company relies on its website as a vital business tool. That means that the site should be available, fast, and secure. We can provide you with the very best in web hosting at highly competitive rates.

Picking a web host can be difficult and confusing.

The internet and blogs are flooded with affiliate marketing fueled articles that recommend inferior services. Over the years we have interacted with just about every host on the market, so we have seen enough bad ones to know there’s a better way. Let our experience steer you clear of these pitfalls.

MechaDigital web hosting uses state-of-the-art cloud hosted Dedicated Virtual Servers that are far superior to the typical shared hosting.


Why is cloud hosting better?

Cloud hosting is a different breed than your typical shared web hosting options. The main reason why is that server resources are shared only among a small group of sites also managed under our umbrella. In a typical shared hosting scenario, your site is thrown into “gen pop” with hundreds, if not thousands of other web that are all hosted on the same server. If any of these sites are getting slammed with traffic, your site will suffer. Is this what you want from your web hosting?

Cloud hosting is also inherently more secure. In the shared website shared hosting scenario, where numerous websites all sharing a single server, if one of them gets compromised or hacked, the next course of action for hackers is to attack the other sites on that same server. This can lead to an outage, even if your site is reasonably secured.

Another huge benefit of cloud hosting is the ability to scale servers as needed. Should site traffic really demand it, CPU, RAM, and storage can all be added on the fly so you can keep up with demand. This is easy to be ready for thanks to improved monitory and notifications that come along with a dedicated virtual server. 

WordPress Managed Hosting

If your site is a business tool that you depend on, then Managed Hosting is a great idea. As discussed in our Maintenance and Support section, keeping your site up-to-date is essential to performance, stability, and security. 

In our Managed Hosting offering, we automate the site-updates process so you never have to wonder if it’s getting done. Additionally, sites are scanned for performance and vulnerabilities. It’s a great way to stay on top of the health of your site and spot potential issues long before they become a problem. And to top it all off, we send out a report at the end of each month summarizing the updates, performance and vulnerability scans. 

Free Migrations

Sound good but not sure if you want to take the leap? Well, we offer free migrations. That’s right – $0.00. So what are you waiting for? Dump that crummy old shared Bluehost account and move on up into that 21st century web hosting. 

MechaDigital Hosting options

Basic Hosting Package

Our basic hosting package is perfect for small sites, blogs, and non-critical business presences online. It offers all the benefits of our VPS servers, and offers the following:

Managed Hosting Package

For businesses who rely on their site for their day-to-day operations, we offer our Managed Hosting plan, which takes on application level updates and monitoring, and keeps you in the loop with reporting.

Other Services - More than just hosting, we got you covered.

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